Crameri, F., V. Magni, M. Domeier, G.E. Shephard, K. Chotalia, G. Cooper, C. Eakin, A.G. Grima, D. Gürer, A. Király, E. Mulyukova, K. Peters, B. Robert, and M. Thielmann (2020), Subduction zone initiation (SZI) Database (Version 1.0.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Crameri, F., Magni, V., Domeier, M. et al. A transdisciplinary and community-driven database to unravel subduction zone initiation. Nat Commun 11, 3750 (2020).
The content provided on this webpage is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Database files (.xlsx, .pdf)
The SZI database files contain all trans-disciplinary raw data collected for each SZI event. Each SZI event is represented by one database file that provides data based on both direct evidence and cross-disciplinary interpretation.

Userguide (.pdf)
The user guide provides all details about how to use and interpret the SZI Database. It gives detail description about the content of the database package, as well as each single entry in a database file.

SZI event summaries (.pdf)
A detailed, trans-disciplinary overview of each SZI event covered in the SZI Database providing background information about the key data entries of the database.

PlotSZIdatabase (.m)
A MatLab script to plot individual SZI database entries and compare them across SZI events.

Unclear SZI events (.pdf)
Short description of individual, potential SZI events that are currently deemed too 'unclear' to be included in the SZI Database, but, after further community-driven insights, might will in the future.

SZI reconstruction analyses (.xlsx)
A collection of raw data, methodological settings and analyses concerning parameters relating to SZI that have been extracted from the global topological (‘full-plate’) tectonic model of Müller et al. (2016).